LeetCode/155. MinStack


Find a min stack. I almost solved at 8 mins but stuck there more for 20 mins. I was stuck there because of I was not checking Peek() when minStackCount is more than 0.


My Solution

So, I’ve stuck there for 20 mins finding simple if check. The reason was that I was brutal force and fix the error without thinking what is actually wrong. Therefore in the next time when I meet the same obstacle, I should think and read well.

public class MinStack
    private int minValue = Int32.MinValue;
    private Stack<int> minStack;
    private Stack<int> stack;

    /** initialize your data structure here. */
    public MinStack()
        stack = new Stack<int>();
        minStack = new Stack<int>();

    public void Push(int x)
        minValue = minValue == Int32.MinValue ? x : Math.Min(minValue, x);

    public void Pop()
        if (stack.Count == 0) return;
        minValue = minStack.Count > 0 ? minStack.Peek() : Int32.MinValue;

    public int Top()
        return stack.Peek();

    public int GetMin()
        return minValue;

Best Solution

This was a quite ingenious that using two stack but only push to min stack when minStack.Count is 0 or x is less or equal to minStack.Peek().

// Best Solution
public class MinStackBest
    private Stack<int> minStack;
    private Stack<int> stack;

    /** initialize your data structure here. */
    public MinStackBest()
        stack = new Stack<int>();
        minStack = new Stack<int>();

    public void Push(int x)
        if (minStack.Count == 0 || x <= minStack.Peek()) minStack.Push(x);

    public void Pop()
        var c = stack.Pop();
        if (c == minStack.Peek()) minStack.Pop();

    public int Top()
        return stack.Peek();

    public int GetMin()
        return minStack.Peek();