LeetCode/118. PascalsTriangle


I was trying to make a optimal formula of this problem when I was solving. However algorithm questions are often not asking optimal solution but asking the solution itself. Simply translate the description into a code will solve this problem.


My Solution

public class PascalsTriangle
    public IList<IList<int>> Generate(int numRows)
        var output = new int[numRows][];

        // Set pointer
        var p0 = 0;

        for (int level = 0; level < numRows; level++)
            var l = new int[level + 1];
            output[level] = l;
            l[0] = 1;
            l[l.Length - 1] = 1;

            for (int col = 1; col < level; col++)
                var arr = output[level - 1];
                l[col] = arr[p0] + arr[p0 + 1];
            p0 = 0;
        return output;

Best Solution

public IList<IList<int>> BestSolution(int numRows)
    var output = new int[numRows][];

    for (int level = 0; level < numRows; level++)
        var l = new int[level + 1];
        output[level] = l;
        l[0] = 1;
        l[l.Length - 1] = 1;

        for (int col = 1; col < level; col++) l[col] = output[level - 1][col - 1] + output[level - 1][col];
    return output;