Using CustomShader In UE4.22


I’ve found a good article about how to write a custom shader in UE4 yesterday.

Unreal Engine 4 Custom Shaders Tutorial:

The article has been made based on UE4.19 and was not working on UE4.22. Because default shader folder has been changed. Therefore it is good to write it down how to do that on UE 4.22.


  1. Follow tutorial from Unreal Engine 4 Custom Shaders Tutorial
  2. You will fail when loading .usf file from the folder.
  3. Now we need to create C++ GameMode. Right click on content view. New C++ Class -> None and create class.(We will delete later)

  4. Open Visual Studio 2017.

  5. Delete MyClass.cpp and MyClass.h

  6. We will modify ${YourProjectName}.cpp and ${YourProjectName}.h. In this document, it is TestGround.cpp and TestGround.h

  7. Change TestGround.h

    // Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
    #pragma once
    #include "CoreMinimal.h"
    #include "ModuleManager.h"
    class FTestGroundModule: public IModuleInterface
        virtual void StartupModule() override;
        virtual void ShutdownModule() override;
  8. Change TestGround.cpp

    // Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
    #include "TestGround.h"
    #include "Modules/ModuleManager.h"
    void FTestGroundModule::StartupModule()
    #if (ENGINE_MINOR_VERSION >= 21)    
        FString ShaderDirectory = FPaths::Combine(FPaths::ProjectDir(), TEXT("Shaders"));
        AddShaderSourceDirectoryMapping("/Project", ShaderDirectory);
    void FTestGroundModule::ShutdownModule()
    IMPLEMENT_PRIMARY_GAME_MODULE( FTestGroundModule, TestGround, "TestGround" );
  9. Delete MyClass

  10. End. Now you are able to load your .usf file from /YourProject/Shaders folder.
